
1. このページの目的


2. プライム記号について

Prime (symbol) - Wikipedia には以下の記述がある。

記号 用途など
  • feet (ft) を表す単位記号
  • 角度における「分」(arcminutes, arcmin) の単位記号
  • 通常便利のため、プライム記号(′)としてダブルクォーテーションマーク(')が利用される。
  • inch (in) を表す単位記号
  • 角度における「秒」(arcseconds, arcsec) の単位記号
  • 通常便利のため、ダブルプライム記号(″)としてシングルクォーテーションマーク(")が利用される。

3. 記号を表にする

プライム記号 in Unicode
Glyph Code Unicode name HTML Comments
U+2032 PRIME ′ Prime
U+2033 DOUBLE PRIME ″ Double prime
U+2034 Triple prime
U+2035 Reversed prime
U+2036 Reversed double prime
U+2037 Reversed triple prime
U+2057 Quadruple prime
ʹ U+02B9 Modifier letter prime
ʺ U+02BA Modifier letter double prime
主なクォーテーションマーク in Unicode
" U+0022 quotation mark " Typewriter ("programmer's") quote, ambidextrous. Also known as "double quote".
' U+0027 apostrophe ' Typewriter ("programmer's") straight single quote, ambidextrous
その他のクォーテーションマーク in Unicode
` U+0060 GRAVE ACCENT ` 別名:Backtick, Backquote
« U+00AB left-pointing double angle quotation mark « Double angle quote (chevron, guillemet, duck-foot quote), left
» U+00BB right-pointing double angle quotation mark » Double angle quote, right
U+2018 left single quotation mark ‘ Single curved quote, left. Also known as inverted comma or turned comma
U+2019 right single quotation mark ’ Single curved quote, right
U+201A single low-9 quotation mark ‚ Low single curved quote, left
U+201B single high-reversed-9 quotation mark ‛ also called single reversed comma, quotation mark
U+201C left double quotation mark “ Double curved quote, left
U+201D right double quotation mark ” Double curved quote, right
U+201E double low-9 quotation mark „ Low double curved quote, left
U+201F double high-reversed-9 quotation mark ‟ also called double reversed comma, quotation mark
U+2039 single left-pointing angle quotation mark ‹ Single angle quote, left
U+203A single right-pointing angle quotation mark › Single angle quote, right
U+2E42 double low-reversed-9 quotation mark ⹂ also called double low reversed comma, quotation mark
Alternate encodings
U+FF02 fullwidth quotation mark " Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms, corresponds with U+0022
U+FF07 fullwidth apostrophe ' Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms, corresponds with U+0027

引用元:Quotation mark - Wikipedia


